All-On-4 Dental Implant in Turkey

All-On-4 Dental Implant in Turkey

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What Are All-On-4 Dental Implants?

The technique of attaching a prosthetic structure to four implants placed in a single jaw in cases of complete edentulism is called All-on-4, All-on-Four, or All-in-Four. The prosthetic structure is secured to the four implants with screws. In this system, the shortened-arch technique is preferred, meaning that each prosthesis typically contains 10 to 12 teeth.

All-on-4 Dental Implants Prices in Turkey (Per Arch)

If you decide to undergo treatments involving the All-on-4 implant system in Turkey, you can save an average of 70% compared to countries in Europe and America. Dera Dental provides treatment pricing with a transparent policy. However, it is important to note that we recommend not basing your clinic choice solely on price. The use of high-quality materials, a team of experienced and specialized dentists, and receiving dental services under healthy conditions are of primary importance. Our team is dedicated to providing you with the highest quality treatment services at affordable prices.

TurkeyUK / GermanyUSA
2200 $9000 $13000 $

Key Takeaways About All-on-4



For All-on-4 dental implant treatment, you, our valued patient, need to come to Istanbul twice. Each time you come, you need to stay for 3-5 days.



Since we use the highest quality implants, we offer our valued patients a lifetime warranty on implants. We offer a 5-year warranty on crowns.

All-on-4 Dental Implant System in Turkey

With over 25 years of experience, we have been extensively applying All-on-4 dental implant systems in our clinic. Given the short treatment duration from start to finish and the 100% patient satisfaction results, combined with the ease of travel to Turkey, our clinic is the right destination for the application of All-on-4 systems.

Together with our team of experienced doctors and our highly skilled dental laboratory staff, we ensure that the treatment is completed with maximum patient comfort.

Why Choose Us For All-On-Four Implant Treatment in Istanbul, Turkey?

Istanbul, one of the leading and distinguished metropolises in health tourism, is easily accessible with direct flights. Our patients not only receive top-tier treatment but also experience an unforgettable journey through Istanbul’s unique cultural and historical heritage.

In addition, with our team of doctors boasting over 25 years of experience, we offer high-quality treatments at significantly more affordable prices compared to Europe and the U.S. The economic benefits our patients enjoy are noteworthy. Particularly, the lower costs of medical and technician fees in our country allow for top-quality dental implant systems at much more economical rates, ensuring an exceptional level of care.


Who Qualifies for All-on-4 Dental Implants?

First and foremost, our patient must have a medical history that does not present any obstacles to oral surgery and must have completed their developmental growth. Additionally, the jaw where the All-on-Four system is planned to be applied should be either completely edentulous or have an indication for total tooth extraction.

However, if the posterior teeth in either the upper or lower jaw are present and healthy, the All-on-Four system can also be applied to the areas between the premolars.

In Which Cases Is the All-on-4 Implant System Not Applicable?

  • Patients with uncontrolled diabetes should be carefully evaluated for implant suitability. There is no rule stating that dental implants cannot be applied to diabetic patients. It is important to remember that diabetic patients are not left untreated due to their condition. For example, major surgeries like cardiovascular or orthopedic procedures are performed on diabetic patients. The key is ensuring that diabetes does not negatively impact the healing process by keeping it under control.
  • We determine whether diabetic patients are suitable for implant procedures by examining their hemoglobin A1C (HbA1C) levels. Hemoglobin A1C levels provide an average of the patient’s blood sugar (glucose) over the past three months, and based on these values, our clinical oral surgeons decide if the patient is fit for implant surgery.
  • Another important medical consideration is the use of bisphosphonate medications, which are often prescribed to increase bone density. In such cases, the excessive bone repair mechanisms seen in the jaw make not only implant placement risky but also procedures like tooth extractions or denture sores. For patients on bisphosphonates, implant surgery candidates are assessed by checking their blood β-CTx levels. These markers provide specialists with valuable insight into whether the patient is a suitable candidate for oral surgical procedures
  • Another contraindication for implant surgery is the presence of acute infection, tumors, or metastasis in the implant candidate area.
  • Radiotherapy applied to the head and neck region for tumor treatment presents a separate risk for implant success. Particularly, in cases where radiotherapy exceeding 60 Gray has been administered, there is an increased risk of radiation-induced bone infection (osteoradionecrosis/ORN). Therefore, for patients who have received radiotherapy to the head and neck, we recommend waiting at least 18 months before undergoing implant treatment. After sufficient time has passed post-radiotherapy, we can safely proceed with the implant procedure.

How Long Do I Have To Stay in Turkey?

All-on-4 dental implant systems require at least 2 visits. For each visit, a period of 3-5 days is typically sufficient to complete the treatment processes. The first visit involves the implant surgery and the placement of the temporary prosthetic structure. The permanent prosthetic structure is completed during the second visit.

What Surgeries May Be Required Before Implant Installation?

When there is sufficient bone volume, no additional surgical procedures are required for All-on-4 systems. In fact, for the vast majority of our patients, we do not perform any extra or supplementary surgical procedures for All-on-4 systems. However, if deemed necessary, one or more of the following additional surgical procedures may be carried out by our specialist doctors:

Autogenous Block Graft Techniques

  • Sinus Lifting
  • Bone Splitting
  • Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR)
Dr. Ali İlker Baştan

Dr. Ali İlker Baştan

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon

Frequently Asked Questions

Both systems are used for the rehabilitation of missing teeth, and the implants placed within the bone are the same. The difference lies in the variation of the prosthetic structure and the prosthetic abutments applied on top of the implants. Regular dental implants are preferred for single or multiple partial edentulism cases. All-on-4 systems are used for complete edentulism. Moreover, one of the most important advantages of All-on-4 systems is that they rarely require additional surgical procedures involving bone grafting and have a much shorter treatment duration.